Sunday, August 12, 2012

Which picture for the book cover of "68 Tips to Managing the Mother-in-Law"?

These are great pictures that depict the experience and tips shared in "68 Tips to Managing the Mother-in-Law".  Before the launch, we would love to show you 2 pictures considered for the book and ebook cover.  Cool pics that depict the stories exactly.


Managing the Mother-in-Law now made easier with the easy to understand tips shared in the book!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Manage the MiL, Spin the wheel

68 Tips to Managing the Mother in Law!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


While we finalise the launch of the book, here are some information on the book 68 tips to managing the mother in law or at  prelaunch information.

 And if you need to let out stress while waiting for our book, here is a MIL slots for you to spin your stress away:)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Managing the Mother-in-Law

68 Tips to Managing the Mother in Law is  a tall order book that was put together by a team of daughters-in-law who have gone through many ups and downs of having a mother-in-law in their life at one point or another.

Reap through the experiences and stories of these daughters-in-law and use the tips given wisely.  They are compiled and collected through every day experience with the mother in law.